Considered to be one of the world’s foremost amplifier designers, David Berning is among the elite in his field.  A formally trained physicist, David’s unique perspective has invaluably colored every solution he’s designed for classic audio problems. 

After 20 years of designing and manufacturing tube amplifiers, David Berning turned the technology on its ear when he invented ZOTL (Zero hysteresis Output Transformer-Less) architecture in 1996. So radically different from anything around at the time, ZOTL was and still is considered the most significant improvement to tube amplifier technology since the 1960s.  

Even out of production, Berning’s ZOTL amplifiers regularly collect accolades from the world’s top audio reviewers and publications. His ZH-230 amplifier has received Absolute Sound Magazine’s "Editor’s Choice Award" every year since 2011. His Quadrature Z amplifier won HiFi+ magazine’s "Product of the Year" award in 2009. His 211/845 ZOTL amplifier was introduced by Hi Fi One at the 2014 Munich High End Audio Show.  Timeless examples of Berning’s audio genius, the ZH-270 and EA-2101 are still highly sought after by audiophiles everywhere.

David Berning plays an integral role in the development of LTA’s offerings. Currently these include LTA's reconfiguration of his original microZOTL personal headphone amp, the ZOTL10, a mid-to-high efficiency power amp, and the ZOTL40, David's latest ZOTL amplifier designed for LTA, which is in essence the successor to his own, much lauded, ZH-230.

Here’s what others in the industry have said about David Berning:

Herb Reichert in Stereophile:

I have admired David Berning since the 1970s, when I enjoyed his EA230 tube amplifier. The EA230 was a sonically well-balanced variation on the classic Williamson circuit (a push-pull amplifier, made with carefully designed output transformers and using global negative feedback), which sounded especially good with electrostatic speakers.

Rick Becker in Enjoy the Music:

Those of us who get out into the world have probably met people whom captivated us with their accomplishment or their persona. David Berning is such a person for me. His reputation preceded my encounter with any of his amplifiers by an uncertain number of years. But I'll never forget the first encounter with the ZH270.

Bolling Bryant in Audiogram:

If there ever was a genius in home audio it would be David Berning.